About VAORG Admin

Williams: Cuts Would Hurt Women Disproportionately

Williams: Cuts Would Hurt Women Disproportionately

Throughout my life, I have always had the desire to work with women in the promotion of economic equality.  When I learned about the work Virginia Organizing was doing surrounding Social Security, I d ...

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Social Security Outreach Program Concludes Next Week Amidst Uncertainty of Debt Ceiling Cuts

Social Security Outreach Program Concludes Next Week Amidst Uncertainty of Debt Ceiling Cuts

Local Outreach Program Winds Down as Social Security Faces Potential Cuts as Part of Debt Ceiling PlanGrassroots Program Debunking Social Security Myths Reaches Thousands of Virginia’s SeniorsRI ...

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Shepherd Powell: Bad Debt Ceiling Deals Have Southwest Seniors “Cussin” Congress

Shepherd Powell: Bad Debt Ceiling Deals Have Southwest Seniors “Cussin” Congress

In talking to senior citizens in southwest Virginia about the importance of protecting social security, I think it is the worried look in the eyes of these older Americans that gets me most--the furro ...

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Virginia Organizing July 2011 Newsletter

Virginia Organizing July 2011 Newsletter

Virginia Organizing Leaders Sound Off on the Debt CeilingWith the debate on the debt ceiling reaching a fever pitch, Virginia is front and center as Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Richmond ...

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Wendell Potter: Special Guest Speaker at August 13 Grassroots Gathering!

Wendell Potter: Special Guest Speaker at August 13 Grassroots Gathering!

We are excited to announce that we’ll be joined by a very special guest on August 13th. Wendell Potter, the former CEO of a major health insurance company who turned into one of the leading ...

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McLaughlin: Social Security Cuts are Not Abstract

McLaughlin: Social Security Cuts are Not Abstract

Yesterday, I gave a presentation at a senior apartment center in Spotsylvania. At all of our presentations we pass out cards for seniors who want to share their stories on why they want to protect Soc ...

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Emergency: Stop Social Security Cuts and a Disastrous Debt Deal

Emergency: Stop Social Security Cuts and a Disastrous Debt Deal

We are living in unprecedented and scary times. The country is coming close to defaulting on its financial obligations yet many members of Congress refuse to raise revenues to reduce the deficit as pa ...

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Schmale: Children and Cuts to Social Security

Schmale: Children and Cuts to Social Security

I had the amazing opportunity to hang out with 54 grieving children this weekend. On many weekends during the year I volunteer for a bereavement camp.  Like a majority of the campers this weekend ...

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Ray Scher: July 2011 Leader of the Month

Ray Scher: July 2011 Leader of the Month

Ray Scher of Caroline worked for decades as a managed care nurse, licensed practical nurse and nursing home inspector. It is his experience and insight into the health care industry that led him to be ...

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