Predatory lending stinks! For years we have fought against predatory lending during the General Assembly and this year is no exception. On Valentine's day, we visited all the offfices of the Virginia House to hand out a one of a kind valentine. We gave each member of the House their very own car air freshener that says, "Predatory Lending Stinks. Vote No On SB1367." The scent was "fresh linen" but it still cannot cover up the stench of SB 1367 potentially opening up a new market for predatory lenders.
The valentines were not only fragrant, but timely, Tomorrow, Senator Saslaw's bill, SB 1367 that expands car title lending for cars titled in other states will be heard in the House Commerce and Labor Committee. SB 1367 expands car title lending in Virginia and will make Virginia the predatory lending Capitol of the US. While neighboring states like North Carolina and Maryland have limited or prohibited car title lending, Virginia's General Assembly may vote to expand it unless you take action.
Please take a moment to call your Delegate and ask them to vote NO on SB1367!