“Camino Americano” is the Washington, D.C. exclamation point to hundreds of actions across the country this past weekend for immigrant dignity and respect. Tens of thousands will come to the National Mall to share stories of suffering and strength and demand passage of commonsense immigration reform.
To echo this event in Washington, D.C., our leaders in South Hampton Roads will be delivering notes from directly affected immigrants and allies of the immigration reform movement to U.S. Representative Scott Rigell’s local office to urge support for comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship.
More information on the D.C. Event:
Unete Con Nosotros
Location: 10th street on the National Mall
Time: Starting at 12:00 p.m. Ending: 6:00 p.m.
Confirmed event speakers range from civil rights legend Julian Bond to Maryland mom Alicia Silva, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi to iconic singer Lila Downs.
Starting with a somber reading of the names of people who have died at the border or been deported, it will close with a rousing march to the U.S. Capitol where hundreds of national leaders will take hard-hitting action to send a message to Congress—the Time is Now: America Needs Immigration Reform.
Speakers begin at 10th Street on the Mall at noon where activists will welcome world-famous Los Tigres Del Norte, a six time Grammy winning political ensemble considered the “Voz Del Movimiento” for its litany of songs focused on the lives of undocumented immigrants.