Category: Chapters

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South Hampton Roads Chapter: Chapter Highlights

South Hampton Roads Chapter: Chapter Highlights

December 2012 Update: In the month of December the South Hampton Roads Chapter of Virginia Organizing was extremely successful in securing fifteen local meetings with state legisl ...

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About the Petersburg Chapter

About the Petersburg Chapter

The Petersburg Virginia Organizing Chapter has worked on a variety of local, state and national issues. The Chapter works on immigration reform and health care reform. Virginia Or ...

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About the Charlottesville-Albemarle County Chapter

About the Charlottesville-Albemarle County Chapter

Charlottesville is the statewide headquarters of Virginia Organizing and also has an active local chapter. Local residents work on a variety of issues including immigration reform ...

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Statement from Kay Crane, CEO of PATHS, on Medicaid Expansion

Statement from Kay Crane, CEO of PATHS, on Medicaid Expansion

January 16, 2013More and more groups are coming out in support of expanding Medicaid in Virignia. Below is a statement from PATHS (Piedmont Access to Health Services, Inc.) CEO Ka ...

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Marroni: Holly, Jolly, Environmentally Friendly Christmas

Marroni: Holly, Jolly, Environmentally Friendly Christmas

By Ed Marroni December 10, 2012 It has been looking like Christmas, a time when more presents are given than any other day of the year in the United States. But it's not enough fo ...

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Danville Chapter Holds Protest and Occupies Representative Hurt’s Office

Danville Chapter Holds Protest and Occupies Representative Hurt’s Office

December 5, 2012Over 40 members of Virginia Organizing--from the Danville, Martinsville-Henry County and Charlottesville chapters--protested Congressman Robert Hurt's support ...

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Supervisors Take No Action To Renew 287g

Supervisors Take No Action To Renew 287g

  The following article appeared in the Daily News-Record in Harrisonburg, VA. Access the Daily News-Record online at Supervisors Take No Action To Renew 2 ...

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Transportation Policy Echoes Housing Policy in Richmond Region

Transportation Policy Echoes Housing Policy in Richmond Region

Our Richmond Chapter has been working diligently on transportation issues! Below is a great article about how transportation affects the lives and well-being of so many. By B ...

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Marroni: Thinning Shells a Danger to Marine Life

Marroni: Thinning Shells a Danger to Marine Life

By Ed Marroni Those of you who collect sea shells or just pick them up as you walk the beach probably have not noticed that they are becoming thinner unless you have checked close ...

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Ehrenthal: Empathy and the Golden Rule

Ehrenthal: Empathy and the Golden Rule

By Ken Ehrenthal How we become the person we become has been the subject of conjecture and scientific research for many years. Stepping back for a moment we all recognize, what we ...

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