Category: Community Voices

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Take Action: Keep the CFPB Honest

Take Action: Keep the CFPB Honest

  There’s something you can do to celebrate workers this month. Write to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to urge them to continue to regulate the payday lendi ...

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The best role models imaginable

The best role models imaginable

Leader Libby Fitzgerald of the Lynchburg Chapter wrote a wonderful letter to the Lynchburg News & Advance in support of returning citizens being allowed to volunteer in local ...

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Take Action: from Board Member Jay Johnson

Take Action: from Board Member Jay Johnson

On April 2, we held a press conference in Richmond to call on Governor Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring to meet with us. It was covered in television news from Norf ...

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Organizer Job Description

Organizer Job Description

Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization dedicated to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect ...

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Take action on the state budget!

Take action on the state budget!

The General Assembly will finish its 2019 session on Saturday. Right now conferees from the Senate and the House of Delegates are working together to produce a version of the budg ...

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Virginia Organizing community leaders from Lynchburg, Hampton, and Newport News were in Richmond on February 7, 2019 to talk to legislators!

Virginia Organizing community leaders from Lynchburg, Hampton, and Newport News were in Richmond on February 7, 2019 to talk to legislators!

Leaders of the Lynchburg Chapter of Virginia Organizing met with state Senator Steve Newman in Richmond today. They discussed problems with school suspensions. Delegate Lamont Bag ...

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Call to action after Virginia Organizing and other groups make presentations to Lynchburg School Board meeting on February 5

Call to action after Virginia Organizing and other groups make presentations to Lynchburg School Board meeting on February 5

At the Lynchburg School Board on February 5, Virginia Organizing and other groups presented comments about the high rate of school suspensions and the policies that restrict forme ...

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Time for UVA to Pay a Living Wage!

Time for UVA to Pay a Living Wage!

Virginia Organizing Board member Lily Hungarland recently wrote this letter to the Cavalier Daily about the poverty wages workers are paid at the University of Virginia. The lette ...

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Leader Tyran Green Briefs Congressional Staff on Underfunding of IDEA

Leader Tyran Green Briefs Congressional Staff on Underfunding of IDEA

The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools hosted a briefing for U.S. House staffers on January 25, 2019, focused on their report, Confronting the Education Debt.  The briefing highlight ...

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Progress for School Fairness in Lynchburg

Progress for School Fairness in Lynchburg

The Lynchburg Chapter of Virginia Organizing has been organizing for alternatives to school suspension for some time and their hard work is helping to make change happen! Last nig ...

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