Category: Community Voices

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Christmas Carols for Governor McDonnell

Christmas Carols for Governor McDonnell

The 12 (well 8) Days of Christmas On the first day of Christmas my governor gave to me: Regressive taxation On the second day of Christmas my governor gave to me: Underpaid teache ...

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Celebrating diversity with food and new friends

Celebrating diversity with food and new friends

As we enter the holiday season, it’s an important time to remember our community, the importance of unity, and to celebrate the diversity that we have in the Friendly City of Harr ...

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Ehrenthal: Pepper Spray is Not Food and Occupy is Not Ambiguous

Ehrenthal: Pepper Spray is Not Food and Occupy is Not Ambiguous

As Yogi Berra is purported to have said, “It’s like Deja Vous all over again”.  Watching the treatment of those assembling in protest for the Occupy movement brings me back to the ...

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Ehrenthal: The Dangerous Myth of Supply Side Economics

Ehrenthal: The Dangerous Myth of Supply Side Economics

During the late 1940's and 1950s, a vibrant middle class developed in the United States. Manufacturing grew and prospered and so did the workers who were making a living wage and ...

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VIDEO: Wendell Potter in VA Beach, “Health care law already saving the lives of millions”

VIDEO: Wendell Potter in VA Beach, “Health care law already saving the lives of millions”

Virginia Organizing, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and Empower Hampton Roads were prompted to hold the "Real Dialogue on Health Care" forum because they feel that m ...

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Ehrenthal: L’est we forget: TARP, Tarbell and Triangle

Ehrenthal: L’est we forget: TARP, Tarbell and Triangle

Today is the three-year anniversary of TARP, the $700 billion bank bailout passed at the height of the financial crisis in 2008. Even though no one actually liked TARP, including ...

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Dismantling Racism in South Hampton Roads

Dismantling Racism in South Hampton Roads

Sareeta Spliggs and Tim McCarthy were two of the more than thirty participants that attended the Dismantling Racism Workshop in South Hampton Roads on September 17th. The group co ...

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Ehrenthal: A Not So Happy Labor Day for the Unemployed

Ehrenthal: A Not So Happy Labor Day for the Unemployed

Today is Labor Day. Officially, unemployment is about 9.1 percent. The real level of unemployment and under employment is probably over 20 percent. Many of those whether unemploye ...

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Shepherd Powell: Respecting Seniors, Protecting Social Security

Shepherd Powell: Respecting Seniors, Protecting Social Security

Throughout my eight week-long internship to educate senior citizens about the importance of protecting Social Security, I’ve had a number of conversations with older Americans tha ...

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Weston: Is Congress Listening on Social Security?

Weston: Is Congress Listening on Social Security?

On July 12, I joined a group of Virginia Organizing supporters, volunteers and board members on a trip to Washington DC to meet with staff from Senators Mark Warner’s and Jim Webb ...

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