Category: The Issues

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National Tax Fairness Call-in Week

National Tax Fairness Call-in Week

 Join us and thousands of other concerned Americans for our National Call Congress Week to make sure that the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2% end.When you call Congress ...

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Marroni: When Life Gives You Lemons…

Marroni: When Life Gives You Lemons…

by Ed Marroni When life gives you lemons...REUSE them! You probably do not often include LEMONS on your grocery list. Perhaps you will now, after learning what tasks can be done w ...

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Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Study on Cost of Medicaid Expansion

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Study on Cost of Medicaid Expansion

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released a report last week on the cost to states to implement the Medicaid expansion. Portions of the report are below, but you can rea ...

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Expert: Health Insurance Mandate Needed — Only 1-Percent will Pay Penalty

Expert: Health Insurance Mandate Needed — Only 1-Percent will Pay Penalty

Ray Scher, Virginia Organizing Board member, served as our spokesperson for a story on health care implementation. The story is below:July 12, 2012 ...

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Tell Governor McDonnell to Expand Medicaid in Virginia!

Tell Governor McDonnell to Expand Medicaid in Virginia!

 Governor Bob McDonnell has done it again. He's decided that playing politics is more important that the health and lives of hundreds of thousands of Virginians. On July ...

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This week, leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives, including Rep. Eric Cantor, again brought forth legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act and today, 244 U.S. Repre ...

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Danville Students Involved in Making Change!

Danville Students Involved in Making Change!

Last month, the Danville Chapter worked with a group of students to engage in the community dialogue regarding issues that are important to them. Students wrote letters to the edi ...

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Marroni: Calling All Coffee Drinkers! Don’t Throw Your Used Grounds Away!

Marroni: Calling All Coffee Drinkers! Don’t Throw Your Used Grounds Away!

  By: Ed Marroni What do you do with your spent coffee grounds? Tossing them into the trash is not a good idea because they break down like all organic foods and release meth ...

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Supporters cheer victory for health care in Danville

Supporters cheer victory for health care in Danville

Tiffany HollandJune 29, 2012 downtown during the Friday lunch hour rush ...

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Good News From the Supreme Court!

Good News From the Supreme Court!

 June 28, 2012 Today, Americans won! We won affordable access to health care and we could not have won this fight without the help of Virginia Organizing supporters and ...

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