Dell Erwin has been working with the Virginia Organizing Charlottesville Chapter for many years, focusing on health care and civic engagement.
Dell said the best part of working with Virginia Organizing is having an opportunity to work on a variety of issues that focus on disenfranchised people. “There is a level of quality and commitment and passion from those who work with Virginia Organizing to really do something about pressing problems. We are a group that puts feet on our words!” said Dell.
Dell is committed to helping former felons get back their voting rights. She believes voting is a fundamental part of our society and all people should be entitled to their right to vote. While she was discouraged by the vote-suppressing ID laws that were passed in Virginia over the last two years, she is encouraged that our state is making some progress on restoring voting rights to those who lost them due to felony convictions.
Most recently, Dell has been working to make sure the people of Virginia know the facts about the Affordable Care Act, focusing on the new Health Insurance Marketplace. Her family benefits greatly from the Affordable Care Act and she wants to make sure everyone else knows the benefits they can now access thanks to health care reform.
Thanks for all your hard work, Dell!