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Families Can’t Wait

National People's Action

fcw-twitterClick here to see how much wealth is stripped from our communities by payday and car title loans since March 2015.

Every day, payday and car title lenders drain $23,951,459 out of the pockets of hard-working Americans with predatory lending practices. That’s over $8.7 billion every year and that doesn’t include predatory installment lending or capture every loan. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) started the process of rulemaking in March of 2015 – we can’t wait anymore. We need a strong rule that puts a stop to the debt trap now. Tell the CFPB we can’t wait any longer to stop predatory loans!

Annually, more than twelve million hard-working American men and women fall victim to the underhanded business practices of these predatory lenders. Loans average 300% APR or higher and more than half of borrowers must take out a new loan on the same day their previous loan was due.Click here to learn more about the debt trap.

Families Can’t Wait Reviewed by on . Click here to see how much wealth is stripped from our communities by payday and car title loans since March 2015. Every day, payday and car title lenders drain Click here to see how much wealth is stripped from our communities by payday and car title loans since March 2015. Every day, payday and car title lenders drain Rating: 0
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