Governor McDonnell will be spending a cozy weekend in Vail, Co with his favorite billionaire right wing oil barons, the Koch brothers. What does this have to do with creating jobs in Virginia, you ask?
Absolutely nothing.
Governor McDonnell will be hobnobbing with the mega rich and learning about the Koch brother's priorities for Commonwealth of Virginia. According to the Richmond Times Dispatch, the The Koch brothers have two conferences each year and keep "the guest lists and details largely under wraps." If Governor McDonnell is learning about job creation from the right wing billionaire Koch brothers, wouldn't he want his constituents to know what he is up to? Why no press release announcing this trip? Governor McDonnell is known for being a fairly communicative Governor and alerts the press to his every move. Since Governor McDonnell does not seem to want his constituents to know about his Koch addiction, we thought we would share this video outlining Koch's holdings, political influence and their passion for climate change denial.