Yesterday, instead of representing the people of Virginia, Eric Cantor stood up for his favorite constituents: millionaires. Representative Cantor refused to show up to budget negotiations yesterday because he did not not want to tackle the “really tough stuff,” that might upset millionaires and oil companies. Representative Cantor was actively participating in the budget talks when they were talking about potentially cutting Medicare benefits that over a million of Virginia's seniors rely on. He was also pretty comfortable talking about slashing Medicaid benefits, even though more cuts would devastate Virginia's already lean Medicaid program ranked 48th in the nation.
But as soon as the talks turned to real "shared sacrifice," instead of just sacrifice for the poor and middle class, Rep. Cantor took his toys and went home. When Rep. Cantor said "Tax hikes are off the table" he meant tax hikes for the wealthy. Cutting funding for health care, education, retirement security and refusing funds to Joplin tornado victims seems to be just fine for Rep. Cantor. But cutting tax breaks for corporations, ending old subsidies and closing tax loopholes was all too much for Glen Allen's finest to take!
It's sad that something as important as raising the debt ceiling was ever left in the hands of such an unserious legislator who so blatantly represents the wealthiest 1% over the rest of us.
For more information on Rep. Cantor's temper tantrum click here.