Virginia Organizing has a new special offer for all who sign up (and pay the deposit) to attend the October 9-11 Grassroots Gathering by July 31 – a FREE Virginia Organizing water bottle!
You can find all the details and sign up at
Why should you attend the 2015 Grassroots Gathering? We are going to celebrate 20 years of grassroots organizing in Virginia, share Chapter accomplishments with others working toward the same goals, meet new people, learn new skills by participating in workshops and hearing from speakers, have some time to relax, and meet with some officials in positions of power to get things done!
The full cost for the weekend will be $120. We ask that everyone pay what they can to help share in this cost, but please do not let the expense be a barrier to your participation. You can also help us make sure everyone who wants to participate is able by asking local businesses and individuals to be sponsors by purchasing an ad in our program book.
Below is the tentative schedule for the weekend. We are so excited and hope you will take advantage of our “second chance early bird special” and get your FREE WATER BOTTLE!
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Nik Belanger at 434-709-4953 or
Friday, October 9
5:00 Registration
7:00 Supper
8:00 Music and Dancing
Saturday, October 10
8:00 Breakfast | Open of Silent Auction | Registration
9:00 Mass Meeting
10:15 Workshops Session I
11:30 Workshops Session II
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Workshops Session III
3:30 OPEN TIME | Local Chapter Fair
5:00 Mass Meeting
6:30 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
Sunday, October 11
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Action Small Groups
10:30 Report Backs
11:00 Departure