The Harrisonburg Chapter held a rally on Thursday, October 10, 2019 outside Rep. Ben Cline’s office. Chapter members want Rep. Cline to vote for H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act.
WHSV TV, WSVA (radio), and the Daily News-Record all covered the rally. Leader Bob Crouch was also interviewed on WHSV’s evening news the night before.
From the TV coverage of the rally:
“‘It’s ridiculous that people are quite literally dying because they can’t afford their medication cost,” Amanda Dameron, a member of the Harrisonburg community and former intern for Virginia Organizing, said. ‘That’s a disgrace.’
“It’s a cause that is personal for Dameron.
“‘I’ve also had a family member that unfortunately passed away from Type 1 diabetes due to inability to afford medication and get proper treatments.'”
Please contact your representative in Congress and ask them to support H.R. 3 at 202-224-3121. Call today!