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Help Us Protect Social Security!

August 14, 2012 7:02 pm by: Category: Social Security A+ / A-


Will you help us protect Social Security? Call Senator Mark Warner today at 1-877-676-2759 and ask him to protect and strengthen Social Security. Then share your own Social Security story with us by emailing bjohns@virginia-organizing.org

On August 14, 1935 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law the Social Security Act to protect ordinary Americans “against the loss of a job and against poverty ridden old age.” 77 years later, on its anniversary, the fate of beneficial programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are now in the hands of a Super Committee in Washington, D.C. Instead of gutting these programs that families rely on, this Super Committee needs to ask the super wealthy corporations of America to invest in America.

Help send a strong message to Congress that they must not balance the budget on the backs of everyday American families and retirees while corporate profits are at an all time high and big businesses pay lower taxes than ever before! It’s time for big oil, insurance companies and banks to pay their fair share!

Let’s keep the promise that was made to all Americans so “that we all can retire with dignity and peace of mind, that workers who become disabled can support themselves, and that families who suffer the loss of a loved one will not live in poverty.” For more facts about Social Security, check out this video: http://youtu.be/lHAcy4SNVbo

Give Social Security a birthday present; take a few minutes and call Senator Warner at 1-877-676-2759 and ask him to protect and stregthen Social Security! You can also send a special, personalized thank-you card to the caregivers in your life by visiting http://wegiveacare.org/vo/!

Help Us Protect Social Security! Reviewed by on .  Will you help us protect Social Security? Call Senator Mark Warner today at 1-877-676-2759 and ask him to protect and strengthen Social Security  Will you help us protect Social Security? Call Senator Mark Warner today at 1-877-676-2759 and ask him to protect and strengthen Social Security Rating:
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