Thank you so much for your loyal use of the Kroger pre-paid cards to support our work here at Virginia Organizing! This support has been so very helpful to us through the years.
Starting September 1, 2014, the Kroger Community Rewards program will no longer require the use of pre-paid gift cards, but simply your Kroger Plus Card.
Note: Any money already on a pre-paid card will be credited to Virginia Organizing through the end of August. Also, the cards will still be valid and any pre-loaded money will not go away come September.
The biggest change for you is that you now need to sign up online to make sure that your use of your Kroger Plus Card will benefit Virginia Organizing. Simply go online to www.krogercommunityrewards.comand click “Create an Account” or “Sign in” if you already have a Kroger Plus Card account (there’s a link to reset your password if you have forgotten it!). Fill in the required information to create your account, select your preferred Kroger store, including your Kroger Plus Card number or your alternative ID number (usually your phone number).
You will come to a screen that says “Kroger Community Rewards” or you can select it from the bottom of your account summary page. You will be asked to enter the name of the organization you want to support. Either type in “Virginia Organizing” or “82207” (Virginia Organizing’s Non-Profit Organization number) so that your Kroger purchases will support our work. You will see “Virginia Organizing” on the right side of your information page if you sign up correctly. If you have any trouble, the folks at Kroger’s customer service can be reached at 1-800-576-4377and are very helpful.
With this new system, you no longer need to use the pre-paid Kroger cards. Once you sign up, every time you shop and use your Kroger Plus Card or give them your phone number, we at Virginia Organizing will be given credit for your purchases and money will come back to us!
THANKS A MILLION for your support through the Kroger Community Rewards program. If you have questions about this program or need help enrolling, please email Sally Bastian at bastian@virginia-organizing.org.