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Medicaid Expansion in the News

Dear friends,

Last week Virginia Organizing and the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) held nine news conferences around the state, with faith leaders, members of affected communities, and experts in health care in Charlottesville, Falls Church, Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Martinsville, Richmond, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, and Winchester.

We wanted to make clear to our Delegates and Senators in the Virginia General Assembly that they should expand Medicaid. It should be their highest priority in the next session. To see media coverage of the conferences, click on these links below:

Photo credit: Ben Williams (Martinsville Bulletin)




The Virginia Gazette

The Daily News Record

The Martinsville Bulletin


There will be two more media conferences this week. The Christiansburg conference will be held today, December 5, and the one in Pennington Gap will be tomorrowDecember 6.

As partners, VICPP and Virginia Organizing are releasing the updated Medicaid chartbook prepared by The Commonwealth Institute (TCI). The title of the chartbook is “Understanding Virginia’s Medicaid Insurance and the Opportunity to Improve It.”  To download a copy of the chartbook click here.

Please join this campaign. Contact your Delegate and your Senator in the Virginia General Assembly and tell them how important it is to you to see health care coverage become available to all Virginians. To find your representatives click here.

Thank you,

Winston Whitehurst

Virginia Organizing Health Care Strategy Committee

Medicaid Expansion in the News Reviewed by on . Dear friends, Last week Virginia Organizing and the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) held nine news conferences around the state, with faith Dear friends, Last week Virginia Organizing and the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) held nine news conferences around the state, with faith Rating: 0
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