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News & Advance: Equity Task Force Champions School Volunteer Reform

Photo by Jay Westcott/News & Advance

Rachel Mahoney of the Lynchburg News & Advance reports that the Equity Task Force of the Lynchburg Public Schools supports Virginia Organizing’s demand that the volunteer policy be revised so that returning citizens are able to help out in their children’s classrooms. Thanks to chapter leader Pastor Reason Chandler for his work on this issue.

From the article:

Reason Chandler, an appointed member of the Equity Task Force who presented Tuesday, said 34 people were denied the ability to volunteer last year because of their record, and fellow member Jennifer Woofter pointed out that number doesn’t account for any who might not have tried to volunteer because of the policy.

A majority of those 34 people were African American, Chandler said, and a majority were men.

“A family that’s healing, a family that’s restoring a relationship; they need this component, they need this part of their life as well because they are healing,” he told the board.


News & Advance: Equity Task Force Champions School Volunteer Reform Reviewed by on . Photo by Jay Westcott/News & Advance Rachel Mahoney of the Lynchburg News & Advance reports that the Equity Task Force of the Lynchburg Public Schools s Photo by Jay Westcott/News & Advance Rachel Mahoney of the Lynchburg News & Advance reports that the Equity Task Force of the Lynchburg Public Schools s Rating: 0
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