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No Spill Baby Spill, Join Us for Hands Across the Sand

Check out the promotional video for Hands Across the Sand! It was produced by Ivy Main of the Sierra Club. It “stars” Chesapeake Bay group chairperson Terra Pascarosa, William Reyes a local business owner, former Commander of the Norfolk Naval Station Joe Bouchard, and Ari Lawrence, the Virginia Chapter chairperson with Surfrider Foundation.

The video promotes Hands Across the Sand, a nationwide gathering on Saturday, June 26 whereby participants are called to line up on beaches and join hands for 15 minutes in opposition to offshore drilling and in support of clean renewable energy.

VOP is joining the Sierra Club and many groups and concerned citizens in organizing Virginia beaches with our biggest push to get over 1,000 to the Virginia Beach oceanfront between 19th and 25th Streets. We encourage participants to start heading down to the beach at 11:00 am and will join hands from 12:00 to 12:15 pm.

For lots of information about HANDS, go to HandsAcrossTheSand.com.

While we applaud President Obama’s decision to cancel Virginia’s lease sale, we are not out of the woods on drilling. Virginia, along with our Atlantic coast neighbors, is still enrolled in a 2010-2015 program that has drilling as close as just 3 miles off our coast and our Chesapeake Bay!

The “Drill Baby Drill” crowd contends that Virginians “overwhelmingly” support drilling. WRONG! Let’s show them just exactly how wrong on Saturday, June 26th as we line up strong along the Virginia Beach Oceanfront between 19th and 31st Streets and on beaches all over Virginia.

No Spill Baby Spill, Join Us for Hands Across the Sand Reviewed by on . Check out the promotional video for Hands Across the Sand! It was produced by Ivy Main of the Sierra Club. It “stars” Chesapeake Bay group chairperson Terra Pas Check out the promotional video for Hands Across the Sand! It was produced by Ivy Main of the Sierra Club. It “stars” Chesapeake Bay group chairperson Terra Pas Rating: 0
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