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Organizing 101 Workshop in Pulaski County

On July 3, nearly 40 community members from Pulaski County and surrounding areas came together to participate in an Organizing 101 workshop facilitated by Virginia Organizing.

Participants were interested in developing skills to win real change, as they work to win funding for a new middle school building.

This workshop was the first action that Virginia Organizing has held in Pulaski since forming the New River Valley Chapter.

Building power for change in Southwest Virginia!

Organizing 101 Workshop in Pulaski County Reviewed by on . On July 3, nearly 40 community members from Pulaski County and surrounding areas came together to participate in an Organizing 101 workshop facilitated by Virgi On July 3, nearly 40 community members from Pulaski County and surrounding areas came together to participate in an Organizing 101 workshop facilitated by Virgi Rating: 0
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