Oscar Harris has been a Washington County Chapter leader for over a year. He first got involved when he started learning about hydrofracking, the process of extracting natural gas from the ground using water. Oscar went to a meeting and met our Southwest Organizer, Brian Johns.
From there, he kept going to meetings and learning more about the issues Virginia Organizing is involved in, but his primary focus is the harmful practice of hydrofracking. Oscar believes that balance is important, “I really want to get information from all sides before I make a decision on what I think.”
Oscar loves the open-minded approach Virginia Organizing takes to issues and the organization’s focus on raising local voices in state and national politics.
Oscar has made phone calls and written emails to his legislators about issues that he cares about. “It’s my duty as a citizen to keep the politicians informed about what I think since they are supposed to represent me,” said Oscar.
Keep up the good work, Oscar!