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Real change, real reform

Jay arrest horizWhen I was arrested in June standing up for comprehensive immigration reform, I did so on the hope that our actions would bring good news for our immigrant brothers and sisters! Last night, it was great to hear that President Barack Obama is using his executive authority to allow certain immigrants living and working in the United States to come out of the shadows.
Virginia Organizing is so excited for the many people who are affected by this action and we celebrate with those families that will be together for the holidays without fear of deportation. Imagine the relief!
We also know that the road to comprehensive immigration reform is rocky and long. Pushing for change requires by increasing numbers of us. Please take a minute to call your U.S. Representative and say, “I am proud of the President for granting relief to millions of immigrants, but we need lasting reform. As your constituent, I ask that you take the lead on real, comprehensive immigration reform with a clear path to citizenship for those already contributing to our great nation. We need reform now.”
Thank you for your dedication to this important cause! Many families are celebrating today, but many more still need our help. Let’s keep this momentum going!
Jay Johnson
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Real change, real reform Reviewed by on . When I was arrested in June standing up for comprehensive immigration reform, I did so on the hope that our actions would bring good news for our immigrant brot When I was arrested in June standing up for comprehensive immigration reform, I did so on the hope that our actions would bring good news for our immigrant brot Rating: 0
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