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Take Your Money Out of the BIG BANKS!

October 14, 2011 1:51 pm by: Category: Economic Justice A+ / A-

Over the next several months, Virginians will gather and divest (remove the money from and close their accounts) from Wells Fargo, Bank of American and Chase to send the message that we've had enough of the big bank's bad behavior!

In the coming months, “the other 99 percent,” will come together through New Bottom Line to take $1 billion of our money out of the big banks–Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo. Through this action, Americans will say to the big banks: No more profiting off of millions of illegal foreclosures.  No more billions of dollars in taxpayer funded bailouts. No more hoarding over a trillion dollars while our communities crumble and good jobs disappear.  No more stealing our democracy with corporate money in politics.

Pledge to move your money! Virginia Organizing is joining with the New Bottom Line movement in encouraging individuals, churches, small businesses and local governments to divest from the big banks and move their money to small banks and credit unions which pay more attention to the needs of a local community. Click here to pledge to move your money and we will follow up with more information about how this works.

We are much stronger as a group so please sign the pledge today to join other 99 percenters in your community in divesting from the big banks!

Take Your Money Out of the BIG BANKS! Reviewed by on . Over the next several months, Virginians will gather and divest (remove the money from and close their accounts) from Wells Fargo, Bank of American and Chase to Over the next several months, Virginians will gather and divest (remove the money from and close their accounts) from Wells Fargo, Bank of American and Chase to Rating:
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