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Tax ‘reform’ bill bad for little guy

Published by Danville Register and Bee.

To the editor:

Wake up, taxpayers! The tax reform bill going through Congress isn’t right. It takes advantage of people like you and me and gives huge tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires. And for what? They don’t need it!

Millionaires can afford health care. People like me — low-income — need Medicaid and Medicare to stay alive. The tax bill values corporations and their profits over my health care and wellbeing. It’s time to stop being greedy and look at people around you who are suffering every day.

Millionaires can afford their castles. People like me — poor folks — worry about paying their rent and other housing costs day by day. Homeless shelters are only temporary. With this plan, more people will need space in shelters that doesn’t exist. The money given away in the tax bill could be used to provide housing for people who need it. It’s time to stop being greedy and look at people around you who are suffering every day.

Millionaires can afford to pay their fair share in taxes. People like me —people who worked paycheck to paycheck — shouldn’t have to carry the burden of the rich. The tax bill gives 47 percent of the tax cuts to the richest 1 percent of taxpayers. That’s $62,000 on average, more than twice as much as I have ever made in a year! Low-income people need that money to pay our bills off and get out of debt. It’s time to stop being greedy and look at people around you who are suffering every day.

Don’t be fooled. This tax reform bill is bad news for you and me.



Tax ‘reform’ bill bad for little guy Reviewed by on . Published by Danville Register and Bee. To the editor: Wake up, taxpayers! The tax reform bill going through Congress isn’t right. It takes advantage of people Published by Danville Register and Bee. To the editor: Wake up, taxpayers! The tax reform bill going through Congress isn’t right. It takes advantage of people Rating: 0
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