The Affordable Care Act turns two years old on March 23! We are celebrating the fact that the health care law is already helping Virginia’s small businesses, young people, seniors, the uninsured and working families.
Virginians are already seeing the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. Here are just ten of the many ways that the health care law is already helping the Commonwealth:
1) 837,645 Medicare beneficiariesnow have access to free preventative health services like mammograms and colonoscopies.
2) 81,535 Medicare beneficiaries received a $250 rebate to cover the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap known as the “donut hole.”
3) 102,000 small businesses will receive tax credits to help them afford coverage.
4) 438,000 children with pre-existing conditions can now obtain coverage.
5) 62,846 young adults were able to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until they are 26 years old.
6) 382,000 residents of Virginia who buy coverage on the individual market can now trust that their coverage will not be rescinded due to a mistake on an application.
7) 2.9 million residentswith private insurance are free from worrying about lifetime limits on coverage.
8) $48,600,000 went to Virginia Community Health Centers
9) 410,000 Virginianshave added coverage of preventive services through their private insurance without added cost.
10) $15,900,000 went to improving public health in Virginia