The Balance Virginia campaign seeks to bring balance to Virginia’s tax code, she explains.
“We support fair application of the tax burden to various economic strata of Virginia society, because right now it simply isn’t fair.”
The group will march through Charlottesville today following a rally, dropping off baked goods at the Departments of Social Services and Parks and Recreation, the police station and other agencies that use tax dollars to benefit the state’s citizens.
Thomas says tax dollars support many things that are critical to millions of people across the state: “The armed forces, the Coast Guard, the rule of law, the courts, the legal system, our personal safety, drinkable waters, safe prescription drugs, road maintenance …”
The group says that Virginia has a regressive and unbalanced state tax structure that relies too much on sales taxes, which disproportionately affect low- and middle-income families.
Cross-posted from the Public News Service.