It is with great pleasure that we share Virginia Organizing’s legislative agenda for the 2011 General Assembly session.
Our 2011 legislative agenda includes the following priority issues:
• Protecting the citizens of Virginia from predatory lenders.
• Ending the cuts-only approach to addressing the revenue shortfall and enhancing our state revenue.
• Supporting progressive tax reform so that all citizens pay their fair share.
• Preventing all forms of discrimination for residents of Virginia.
• Expanding health care, child care subsidies and housing assistance for low-income families.
• Supporting comprehensive immigration reform that treats immigrants with dignity and fairness.
• Reforming our redistricting process through a nonpartisan or bipartisan commission.
• Automatically restoring the civil rights of felons who have completed the service of their sentences.
Click here for a document highlighting these priority issues for Virginia Organizing (formerly known as the Virginia Organizing Project) and setting forth our positions on more specific legislative initiatives. If you need any additional information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.