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Virginians meet with Senator Warner’s staff on Social Security

July 18, 2011 5:32 pm by: Category: Social Security A+ / A-

On July 12, Virginians from all over the state visited DC to tell Senator Webb and Senator Warner to protect social security. The group joined hundreds of community members from around the country for a protect Social Security day of action. The photo to the left shows the group with Senator Webb's staff.

The group of Virginians travelled to Washington to opposed Social Security cuts as part of a deficit reduction plan and any future plan. Community members met with Virginia members of Congress to set the record straight on Social Security and made the following points:

Virginians meet with Senator Warner’s staff on Social Security Reviewed by on . On July 12, Virginians from all over the state visited DC to tell Senator Webb and Senator Warner to protect social security. The group joined hundreds of commu On July 12, Virginians from all over the state visited DC to tell Senator Webb and Senator Warner to protect social security. The group joined hundreds of commu Rating:
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