Today is Tax Day!
Millions of Americans are paying their fair share of taxes at rates higher than many corporations. Tax shelters, loopholes, and other accounting techniques keep corporate tax rates low—so low that some multi-billion dollar corporations are receiving refunds from the government!
Right now, we need to make sure that big corporations are paying their fair share by calling on Congress to stop the offshore corporate tax havens that make their tax rates less than the average American’s. How long will we allow big corporations to continue to benefit while the majority of Americans struggle?
Will you call U.S. Senator Mark Warner at 877-676-2759 and tell him to put an end to corporate tax loopholes and support a progressive tax code that ensures that everyone pays their fair share?
Taxes pay for many programs and services that all Americans, including corporations, enjoy. Let’s make sure those corporations that are doing well in America also do right by America!
For more information about corporations and their tax rates, check out the Center for Tax Justice’s corporate tax explorer.
Thanks for taking action on these important issues.