Home » The Issues » Health Care » Virginia Organizing South Hampton Roads Chapter Issue Team and Local Department of Health Recognized for Health Care Work

Virginia Organizing South Hampton Roads Chapter Issue Team and Local Department of Health Recognized for Health Care Work

June 2, 2014 10:50 pm by: Category: Health Care, Media Releases, Norfolk A+ / A-

For Immediate Release: June 2, 2014

Virginia Beach, Va.—Virginia Organizing recognized the Virginia Beach Department of Health and Virginia Organizing South Hampton Roads Chapter Affordable Health Care Issue Team for their work enrolling local residents in the Health Insurance Marketplace, securing affordable coverage for hundreds of residents.
“Dr. Heidi Kulberg and the Virginia Beach Department of Health have been excellent partners in getting more people enrolled for affordable health care,” said Virginia Organizing Board Chairperson Sandra A. Cook. “Virginia Organizing is proud to recognize the partnership of the local Chapter and the Department of Health and herald this model as an example for others to follow.”
In addition to enrolling hundreds of residents in the Health Insurance Marketplace and saving families money, the partnership created an opportunity for thousands of people to receive information on affordable health care insurance.
“We were excited to be able to reach so many people in such little time,” said Virginia Organizing South Hampton Roads Affordable Health Care Issue Team co-leader Winston Whitehurst. “We are so honored that our efforts were singled out and recognized by Virginia Organizing.”
Because of the success of the partnership between local health department and local Chapter, Virginia Organizing hopes to duplicate this model in other areas of Virginia.
To interview a spokesperson for Virginia Organizing, please contact Amanda Pohl at 804-337-1912 or amanda@virginia-organizing.org.


Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization that brings people together to create a more just Virginia. 


Virginia Organizing South Hampton Roads Chapter Issue Team and Local Department of Health Recognized for Health Care Work Reviewed by on . For Immediate Release: June 2, 2014Virginia Beach, Va.—Virginia Organizing recognized the Virginia Beach Department of Health and Virginia Organizing Sout For Immediate Release: June 2, 2014Virginia Beach, Va.—Virginia Organizing recognized the Virginia Beach Department of Health and Virginia Organizing Sout Rating:
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