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General Assembly Update

General Assembly Update

If you have spent any time at the Virginia General Assembly you have probably run into Virginia Organizing’s Legislative Director, Ben Greenberg. Ben can be found in the halls of the Capitol and ...

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Downie: The State of our Union’s Electoral Vote

Downie: The State of our Union’s Electoral Vote

Tonight millions of Americans will tune in for the State of the Union address. It seems like an appropriate time to take a look at how we elected our Presidents. The Constitution says the president mu ...

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Suslick: Is Virginia’s grand larceny threshold 1980s retro?

Suslick: Is Virginia’s grand larceny threshold 1980s retro?

In 2008, the Virginia Crime Commission did a study about the felony larceny (“grand larceny”) threshold. It found that Virginia is one of only two states (with NJ) that has a grand larceny ...

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Cuts to Health Care Are Bad for Virginia’s Economy

Cuts to Health Care Are Bad for Virginia’s Economy

New Commonwealth Institue report shows Governor's budget proposal will eliminate jobs and services for thousands of VirginiansRICHMOND -- Governor McDonnell proposes a set of deep cuts to health c ...

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Mon., Jan. 23: Virginia Organizing Gas Drilling Q&A After Washington County Board of Supervisors Forum

Mon., Jan. 23: Virginia Organizing Gas Drilling Q&A After Washington County Board of Supervisors Forum

Media Advisory for: Monday, January 23, 2012 Julie Blust 804-405-6615blust@virginia-organizing.org  Virginia Organizing to Host Gas Drilling Q&A Session Following Washington County ...

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Virginia Organizing Calls on General Assembly to Move Forward With Consumer-Friendly Health Benefits Exchange

Virginia Organizing Calls on General Assembly to Move Forward With Consumer-Friendly Health Benefits Exchange

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:January 18, 2012 Julie Blust 804-405-6615blust@virginia-organizing.org   Virginia Organizing Calls on General Assembly to Move Forward With a Consumer-Friendl ...

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Meet Betti

Meet Betti

Hi, I'm Betti.  I came over to the U.S. from Hungary and am working with Virignia Organizing  to get more experience in community organizing. Back in my home country, I have been in ...

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Gov’s Budget: More Than $4 Million in Cuts to Health Care

Gov’s Budget: More Than $4 Million in Cuts to Health Care

 For the thousands of Virginians who rely on health-care safety nets, the governor's new proposed state budget could mean trouble. Gov. Bob McDonnell's proposed 2013-14 budget includes mo ...

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Karen Kallay on creating the Virginia Health Benefits Exchange

Karen Kallay on creating the Virginia Health Benefits Exchange

On Wednesday, January 11, Karen Kallay joined progressives from all over Virginia in speaking out on issues facing the 2012 Virginia General Assembly. Karen is a member of the Virginia Organizing Heal ...

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MLK Vigil in Richmond Monday: His Vision, Values, & Challenge to Us.

MLK Vigil in Richmond Monday: His Vision, Values, & Challenge to Us.

On January 16, 2012, hundreds of Virginians will gather at the State Capitol at 5pm to celebrate and honor Dr. King's legacy and values of equality, justice and opportunity. We Are Virginia will b ...

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