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VIDEO: Candace Graham Testifying on taking funds from health care and education for transportation.

VIDEO: Candace Graham Testifying on taking funds from health care and education for transportation.

A bill under consideration by the General Assembly, was killed on Friday that would have shifted millions of dollars of state funds away from services like health care and into transportation.  T ...

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Holding CSX Accountable in Fredericksburg

Holding CSX Accountable in Fredericksburg

The following blog post was first posted at Blue Virginia on January 28, 2011.The residents of Mayfield, a neighborhood near downtown Fredericksburg, have taken a major stand against the largest rail ...

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Tell Us Your Immigration Story: W&M Students Speak out for Immigrants Rights through Campus Video Project

Tell Us Your Immigration Story: W&M Students Speak out for Immigrants Rights through Campus Video Project

William and Mary students will hold a campus video event for immigrant rights on Wednesday, February 2 from 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. in the University Center (Lodge 1). The William and Mary Chapter of Virg ...

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Virginia Organizing Mary Washington Chapter  Joins Virginia United for Immigrants Rights for  “Week of Action for Progress, Fairness, and Security”

Virginia Organizing Mary Washington Chapter Joins Virginia United for Immigrants Rights for “Week of Action for Progress, Fairness, and Security”

University of Mary Washington students will hold a campus march for immigrant rights on Wednesday, February 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the Bell Tower. The Mary Washington Chapter of Virginia Organizing will j ...

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Mary Washington Students March for Immigrant Rights

Mary Washington Students March for Immigrant Rights

Virginia Organizing Mary Washington Chapter Joins Virginia United for Immigrants Rights for “Week of Action for Progress, Fairness, and Security”   Media Advisory for: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 ...

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William and Mary Students Speak out for Immigrant Rights through Campus Video Project

William and Mary Students Speak out for Immigrant Rights through Campus Video Project

Virginia Organizing William and Mary Chapter Joins Virginia United for Immigrants Rights for “Week of Action for Progress, Fairness, and Security”   Media Advisory for: Wednesday, February 2, 201 ...

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History of SCOTUS Upholding Important Legislation

History of SCOTUS Upholding Important Legislation

Lower Courts Struck Down Social Security, Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act and Minimum Wage Before SCOTUS Upheld ThemFrom: Think Progress http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2011/01/31/aca-lower-cour ...

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On the Florida Health Care Ruling: Now the Right Likes Activist Judges?

On the Florida Health Care Ruling: Now the Right Likes Activist Judges?

Federal Judge Roger Vinson of Florida ruled today that the "mandate" provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. ...

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Virginia Organizing Statement on  Florida Health Care Ruling

Virginia Organizing Statement on Florida Health Care Ruling

Richmond, VA–Federal Judge Roger Vinson of Florida ruled today that the "mandate" provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitutio ...

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