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Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #71

Virginia Main Street Alliance Update #71

There are very mixed reports on the situation with the website for health care reform. The Washington Post has a story from unnamed "insiders" that the website will not be fully functional b ...

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Immigration Reform Advocates Urge Action From Cantor

Immigration Reform Advocates Urge Action From Cantor

By Olympia MeolaClick here to see the original post.While health care is the topic of conversation in Washington, advocates of immigration reform are pushing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on the i ...

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Virginia Organizing Responds to U.S. Representative Boehner’s Refusal to Address Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Virginia Organizing Responds to U.S. Representative Boehner’s Refusal to Address Comprehensive Immigration Reform

For Immediate Release: November 13, 2014Petersburg, Va.—On Wednesday, November 13, U.S. Representative and Speaker of the House John Boehner claimed the U.S. House of Representatives had no inte ...

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More VA Kids Living in Low-Income Households

More VA Kids Living in Low-Income Households

By: Alison BurnsFull article can be found by clicking here.RICHMOND, Va. - Although Virginia is considered one of the wealthiest states in the nation, it also has seen an increase in the percentage of ...

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House Leaders Need to Hear from You!

House Leaders Need to Hear from You!

Today, Virginia Organizing released a report showing how small business owners and all Virginians are hurting from the delay of passing comprehensive immigration reform legislation. As a small bu ...

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Report: Virginia Losing Millions in GSP While Congress Delays Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Report: Virginia Losing Millions in GSP While Congress Delays Comprehensive Immigration Reform

For Immediate Release: November 12, 2013Richmond, Va.— Virginia Organizing released a report today revealing the cost to Virginia's economy as a result of Congress’ delay on immig ...

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Costs of Delaying Immigration Reform in Virginia Report

Costs of Delaying Immigration Reform in Virginia Report

Costs of Delaying Immigration Reform in Virginia Report.pdf ...

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Tell Delegate Landes to Expand Va. Medicaid

Tell Delegate Landes to Expand Va. Medicaid

By Rebecca FosterPublished in The Daily Progress, November 7, 2013The federal government is subsidizing the bill to expand Medicaid; expanding Medicaid will actually cost the state less than at the pr ...

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Better Health = A Better Community

Better Health = A Better Community

By Pat YoungPublished in the Roanoke Times, November 7, 2013Healthy Roanoke Valley is a partnership of more than 50 public and private organizations, academic institutions, community and government le ...

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Respect, Not Amnesty, Is the Goal

Respect, Not Amnesty, Is the Goal

By Kiersten Rosetto Published in the Daily News Record on November 9, 2013 On Oct. 5, a group of around 200 people gathered at Court Square to celebrate The Na­tional Day of Dignity and Respect. Durin ...

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