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Hundreds Attend Reform Rally

Hundreds Attend Reform Rally

By ALEX ROHR Daily News-Record HARRISONBURG — A scattered, motley force of hundreds of people sur­rounded the south steps of Rockingham County Circuit Courthouse Wednesday evening. “This land is your ...

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Virginia Organizing Responds to President’s Budget

Virginia Organizing Responds to President’s Budget

For Immediate Release: April 9, 2013Charlottesville, Va. – Sandra A. Cook, Chairperson of Virginia Organizing, a non-partisan statewide organization, issued this response to President Barac ...

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Harrisonburg Residents to March to Congressional Office to Support Immigration Reform

Harrisonburg Residents to March to Congressional Office to Support Immigration Reform

 For Immediate Release: April 9, 2013What: Rally and march for immigration reform When: Wednesday, April 10 at 6 p.m. Where: Rally will begin at Court Square, Harrisonbur ...

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Immigration reform proposal of keen interest in Va.

Immigration reform proposal of keen interest in Va.

 BY MARKUS SCHMIDTRichmond Times-Dispatchhttp://www.timesdispatch.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/immigration-reform-proposal-of-keen-interest-in-va/article_a72222b7-2019-5827-a5e5-df ...

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Student Shares Spring Break Experience

Student Shares Spring Break Experience

During Spring Break, students from William & Mary joined the Danville Chapter to learn about grassroots organizing. Below is a series of reflections from one of those students. Great work! Fr ...

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Charlottesville Residents Rally for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Charlottesville Residents Rally for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

For Immediate Release: April 8, 2013 Charlottesville, Va. – Virginia Organizing, Casa Alma Catholic Worker, Church of the Incarnation and Sin Barreras Community Center organized a rally on April 8 in ...

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Legislative Update

Legislative Update

 This year, the Virginia General Assembly session was full of twists and turns! I wanted to update you on the latest news after the reconvened session on April 3. Below are some important highlig ...

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Tax Havens: Good for Big Corporations, Bad for Virginians and Small Businesses

Tax Havens: Good for Big Corporations, Bad for Virginians and Small Businesses

For Immediate Release: April 4, 2013 Richmond, Va. – Virginia Organizing, a state partner of Americans for Tax Fairness, released a new report today to help Virginians understand what tax havens reall ...

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Picking up the Tab Report

Picking up the Tab Report

Picking Up the Tab.pdf ...

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Ehrenthal: My Experience Navigating the Health Care System

Ehrenthal: My Experience Navigating the Health Care System

By Ken Ehrenthal Recently, my wife gave me a card. It looked like a credit card. She told me that it was a card that I should use whenever I had to pay a doctor or purchase some prescription drugs. It ...

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