Category: New River Valley

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Powerful Experience at Grassroots Gathering 2017

Powerful Experience at Grassroots Gathering 2017

We had a full house at this year's Grassroots Gathering. Leaders and supporters from all parts of Virginia came together to make change for the better in our state. Members of aff ...

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Become a voter: REGISTER TODAY!

Become a voter: REGISTER TODAY!

At the Grassroots Gathering, we heard from returning citizens about restoration of rights, learned how to register new voters, and even saw someone register to vote for the first ...

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NRV Chapter Calls on School Board to Fight Racism

NRV Chapter Calls on School Board to Fight Racism

On August 15, leaders and supporters from the New River Valley Chapter of Virginia Organizing attended the Montgomery County School Board's regular meeting to ask for a public sta ...

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2017 Mid-Year Report Now Online!

2017 Mid-Year Report Now Online!

Click here for a downloadable PDF version of our mid-year report to see more photos and accomplishments!   Virginia Organizing could not do our work without your support, and ...

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Organizing 101 Workshop in Pulaski County

Organizing 101 Workshop in Pulaski County

On July 3, nearly 40 community members from Pulaski County and surrounding areas came together to participate in an Organizing 101 workshop facilitated by Virginia Organizing. Par ...

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Grassroots Gathering Registration Open!

Grassroots Gathering Registration Open!

Click here to register for the Grassroots Gathering. Health care. Immigrant rights. Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. These are only a few of the issues Virginia Organizin ...

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Governor McAuliffe Signs Legislation, Announces Updated Resources Promoting Alternatives to School Suspensions

Governor McAuliffe Signs Legislation, Announces Updated Resources Promoting Alternatives to School Suspensions

On Friday, Governor McAuliffe signed legislation directing the Board of Education to develop best practice alternatives to school suspensions. The legislation aligns with the Gove ...

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Gov. McAuliffe Signs Bills to Disrupt the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Gov. McAuliffe Signs Bills to Disrupt the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Sixteen Virginia Organizing members attend a bill signing in Richmond today. Governor Terry McAuliffe signed two bills supporting his "Classrooms not Courtrooms" initiative. In ad ...

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About the New River Valley Chapter

About the New River Valley Chapter

The New River Valley Chapter became one of Virginia Organizing's chapters in April 2017. In the beginning, the chapter focused on a local campaign to disrupt the school-to-prison ...

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Tamara Cherry-Clarke: May 2017 Leader of the Month

Tamara Cherry-Clarke: May 2017 Leader of the Month

In May 2016, Tamara Cherry-Clark attended a school-to-prison pipeline community meeting with a friend from work. In the year since that first meeting, Tamara has become a leader i ...

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