Category: Community Voices

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Racism on Campus is Nothing New. A Sustained Anti-Racist Campus Movement Would Be.

Racism on Campus is Nothing New. A Sustained Anti-Racist Campus Movement Would Be.

Published by the Alliance for a Just Society. As a first-year student at Brown University I was detained for trespassing by campus security. In my own dorm.  In sock feet. You see ...

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Virginians Deserve Better

Virginians Deserve Better

Virginia’s health care crisis is bad. It’s so bad that Remote Area Medical—the organization that provides medical care to thousands of people that our health care system leaves ou ...

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This Tuesday!

This Tuesday!

We have an important election every year in Virginia, and 2015 is no exception. On November 3, 2015, we will elect every single seat in the Virginia General Assembly. Here are som ...

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Water Conservation and Dishware

Water Conservation and Dishware

There are many ways to save water in our everyday lives.  One great and unexpected way to conserve comes from the dishware we use!  Reusable dishware is more sustainable than disp ...

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Roots and Relationships Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era

Roots and Relationships Reclaiming Community Organizing in the Obama Era

This is an excerpt from Building Power, Changing Lives: The Story of Virginia Organizing, available for order by clicking here. The article was first published in the Fall 2015 ed ...

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It was a BIG weekend

It was a BIG weekend

We had a great time celebrating our 20th anniversary at the 2015 Grassroots Gathering in Blackstone, Virginia this past weekend! Thank you to everyone who helped make this great e ...

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U.S. Senator Warner Sends Message to Virginia Organizing

U.S. Senator Warner Sends Message to Virginia Organizing

Check out this video from U.S. Senator Mark Warner on Virginia Organizing's Grassroots Gathering and 20th Anniversary! ...

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A Flood of Voices

A Flood of Voices

Virginia Organizing, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and the Sierra Club of Virginia have teamed up to raise awareness about the flooding in the South Hampton Roads area. South ...

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Encourage Senator Warner to Stop Corporate Tax Loopholes!

Encourage Senator Warner to Stop Corporate Tax Loopholes!

Corporate lobbyists are working hard to make sure they pay as little tax as possible on profits they stash in offshore tax havens. U.S. Senator Mark Warner has previously proposed ...

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Environmental Justice and Jobs

Environmental Justice and Jobs

The creation of more jobs seems to be a major incentive the oil industries offer to convince people to allow such projects as offshore oil drilling, the Atlantic Coast pipeline, f ...

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