Category: Community Voices

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Cooperation Brings Success

Cooperation Brings Success

In the struggle to make the world a more just place to live for all people, no constituency can win alone and no organization is an island. Cooperation among diverse people and or ...

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Virginia Small Business Update #84

Virginia Small Business Update #84

Elections will be on Tuesday, November 4.  A new law requires every voter in Virginia to have a photo ID.  A Virginia Driver’s License is an acceptable form of ID.  An employer is ...

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Take A Stand for Civil Rights!

Take A Stand for Civil Rights!

In Virginia, some local sheriffs are keeping individuals in custody for 48 hours after they would normally be released due to a hold issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce ...

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Compost your leaves this fall

Compost your leaves this fall

Among other benefits, the fall season provides us with leaves, which have potential nutrients for the soil. So, instead of placing them at the curb to be picked up as waste, reap ...

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Marroni: Who is affected by climate change?

Marroni: Who is affected by climate change?

In light of the recent People’s Climate March in New York City and around the world on Sunday, September 21st, we have been given space to consider the effects of climate change o ...

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Who’s the bigger procrastinator?

Who’s the bigger procrastinator?

Today, the Virginia General Assembly begins a special legislative session on Medicaid expansion. They have consistently put off dealing with Medicaid expansion and we think they d ...

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Today is AMAZING!

Today is AMAZING!

As I’m sure you already know, The Community Foundation’s annual Amazing Raise began this morning! Virginia Organizing is working hard to make sure we win some of the AMAZING cash ...

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Marroni: Science Facts from Science Fiction

Marroni: Science Facts from Science Fiction

by Ed Marroni The fall season is another chance to enjoy the awesome beauty and benefits of our wonderful Earth! Thanks goes to you who strive to preserve this wonder. Much misinf ...

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Care for Our Earth

Care for Our Earth

by Ed Marroni The fall season is another chance to enjoy the awesome beauty and benefits of our wonderful Earth! Thanks goes to you who strive to preserve this wonder. Much misinf ...

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Do it for Edna and Dorothy!

Do it for Edna and Dorothy!

Today, Virginia Organizing helped two women from Southwest Virginia share their personal stories about the lack of access to health care. Dorothy wrote a statement that was read ( ...

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