Category: The Issues

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Tell Senator Mark Warner to Keep Defense Cuts on the Table!

Tell Senator Mark Warner to Keep Defense Cuts on the Table!

December 11, 2012As the Budget Showdown in Washington continues, Congress is debating where cuts should be made. They have left a lot of options on the table when it comes to ...

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Marroni: Holly, Jolly, Environmentally Friendly Christmas

Marroni: Holly, Jolly, Environmentally Friendly Christmas

By Ed Marroni December 10, 2012 It has been looking like Christmas, a time when more presents are given than any other day of the year in the United States. But it's not enough fo ...

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AFSCME, SEIU and NEA Continue Major Campaign to Protect Medicare, Medicaid and Education

AFSCME, SEIU and NEA Continue Major Campaign to Protect Medicare, Medicaid and Education

Second Round of TV Ads to Launch Leading Up ToNational Day of Action December 10th with Nationwide Events PlannedDecember 7, 2012Washington, DC  ...

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Danville Chapter Holds Protest and Occupies Representative Hurt’s Office

Danville Chapter Holds Protest and Occupies Representative Hurt’s Office

December 5, 2012Over 40 members of Virginia Organizing--from the Danville, Martinsville-Henry County and Charlottesville chapters--protested Congressman Robert Hurt's support ...

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We Need Your Help on December 5!

We Need Your Help on December 5!

Tomorrow, let's tell Congress that we voted for JOBS, not CUTS!  On Wednesday, December 5, thousands of Americans will pick up the phone to call their Members of Con ...

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Study: ALEC’s Advice to States on Jobs Is Actually a Recipe for Stagnation and Wage Suppression

Study: ALEC’s Advice to States on Jobs Is Actually a Recipe for Stagnation and Wage Suppression

Washington, DC, November 28, 2012--A new study finds that state tax and regulatory policies recommended by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) fail to promote stronge ...

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Medicaid Expansion Covers Millions at “Modest” Cost to States: Report

Medicaid Expansion Covers Millions at “Modest” Cost to States: Report

By Jeffrey YoungNovember 26, 2012 Medicaid health benefits to everyone eligible under President ...

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CEOs Pushing Social Security Cuts are Sitting on Massive Retirement Funds While Underfunding Worker Pensions

CEOs Pushing Social Security Cuts are Sitting on Massive Retirement Funds While Underfunding Worker Pensions

“Fix the Debt” CEOs hold an average of $9 million each to put toward retirement Washington DC — A new report by the Institute for Policy Stud ...

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Fairfax County approves commission to examine Election Day problems

Fairfax County approves commission to examine Election Day problems

November 20, 2012By Corinne Reilly ...

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The Social Security Lifeline: Mary’s Struggle to Make Ends Meet in Retirement

The Social Security Lifeline: Mary’s Struggle to Make Ends Meet in Retirement

Mary Santos doesn’t see her home in Waynesboro Virginia as a place to live; rather, its a place where she “simply exists.”  Mary is 68 and before getting hu ...

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