Category: The Issues

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Five William and Mary Students Arrested Speaking Out Against Poverty

Five William and Mary Students Arrested Speaking Out Against Poverty

At 12:50AM, five students were arrested in the middle of the night on charges of trespassing after staging a 16-hour sit-in at the College of William and Mary.  Over 10 stude ...

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Norfolk “Make Them Pay” Tax Day Event

Norfolk “Make Them Pay” Tax Day Event

More than thirty people from MoveON , Virginia Organizing and other local allies came out for a “Tax Day- Make Them Pay” action in front of Bank of America in Norfolk on April 18t ...

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What do your taxes go for? March with us on Tax Day and find out!

What do your taxes go for? March with us on Tax Day and find out!

On Tax Day, we held a march in Charlottesville, beginning at City Hall and ending at the Central Library to highlight where our taxes go and the need to rebalance our state and fe ...

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VA Tax Day Message: Be Fair

VA Tax Day Message: Be Fair

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. - While many will be talking about the burden of high taxes today, as the tax deadline looms, a group of Virginia residents will be celebrating the good that ...

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GOP Budget Ax Could Hit VA Hard

GOP Budget Ax Could Hit VA Hard

RICHMOND, Va. – Virginia could take a real hit from the Medicare and Medicaid changes that are part of the GOP budget plan being considered today in Washington, D.C. That ...

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Rep. Ryan’s Road Map Would Drive Us Off a Cliff

Rep. Ryan’s Road Map Would Drive Us Off a Cliff

With a vote expected this Friday, April 15 on U.S. Representative Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, Virginia organizations sent a letter today to the Virginia delegation in the U ...

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Virginia Groups on Budget Proposal: “Ryan’s Road Map Would Drive Us Off a Cliff”

Virginia Groups on Budget Proposal: “Ryan’s Road Map Would Drive Us Off a Cliff”

Virginia Groups Oppose U.S. Rep. Ryan’s Budget Proposal   Groups Call on Virginia Delegation in the House to Oppose Ryan’s Budget Proposal to Privatize Medicare, Cut Medicaid, Cut ...

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TV Spots Remind Rep. Cantor’s Constituents about His Social Security “Cannot Exist” Remarks

TV Spots Remind Rep. Cantor’s Constituents about His Social Security “Cannot Exist” Remarks

The Campaign for America's Future is releasing a new ad to be aired starting April 8, in Rep. Eric Cantor's congressional district in Virginia, highlighting Cantor’s ...

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Dear Abby: “I don’t want to work for the payday loan industry!”

Dear Abby: “I don’t want to work for the payday loan industry!”

The following is a Dear Abby letter published in the KC Star. Even in a recession, the letter writer concludes that no-work is better than working in the predatory lending industr ...

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Extremism in tha’ House: What the Ryan Budget Will Mean for Health Care in VA

Extremism in tha’ House: What the Ryan Budget Will Mean for Health Care in VA

The House Budget Proposal released earlier this week has plenty of bad news to go around—especially for our seniors, children, people with disabilities and the millions of u ...

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