Category: The Issues

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Federal judge strikes down Va. ban on gay marriage

Federal judge strikes down Va. ban on gay marriage

Pubished on February 13, 2014By Robert BarnesA federal judge in Norfolk struck down as unconstitutional Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage Thursday night, saying the c ...

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Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Published February 13, 2014 by The Commonwealth InstituteHere’s a head scratcher for you: as your income rises, the share of your income that goes toward paying state and lo ...

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Nearly 30K sign up for health insurance in January

Nearly 30K sign up for health insurance in January

Va., U.S. health care sign-ups acceleratingBY MICHAEL MARTZ, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Thursday, February 13, 2014Almost 30,000 Virginians enrolled in health insurance plans t ...

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As many of you know, there is a new proposal for Medicaid expansion in Virginia.  Last Thursday Medicaid expansion supporters in the state Senate announced a formal proposal ...

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Virginia’s Brave New World

Virginia’s Brave New World

Published February 10, 2014Apparently, we’re about to enter a brave new world here in Virginia. House Speaker Howell and Majority Leader Cox say they are hesitant to accept ...

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Care for Our Earth

Care for Our Earth

This article is a condensed version of the recent Chesapeake Bay Foundation Report on polluted runoff. What a surprise and shock to learn that one inch of rainfall on an acre of i ...

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Virginia Organizing And Promotores De Salud Will Hold Spanish Community Forum On Heath Care Issue

Virginia Organizing And Promotores De Salud Will Hold Spanish Community Forum On Heath Care Issue

WHAT: Spanish Community Forum on the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace WHEN: Saturday, February 8, 2014 at 5 p.m.WHERE: The Lucy Simms Center (aud ...

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Small Improvement to Earned Income Credit Brings Broad Economic Benefits

Small Improvement to Earned Income Credit Brings Broad Economic Benefits

Published February 6, 2014Earned Income Credit Improvement Brings Broad Economic BenefitsLow-wage workers in Virginia have endured more than a decade of stagnant and declining wag ...

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Tell House Leadership and YOUR Delegate that Virginians CANNOT wait for Medicaid Expansion!

Tell House Leadership and YOUR Delegate that Virginians CANNOT wait for Medicaid Expansion!

Dear Virginia Organizing,In response to thousands of Virginians calling, writing, and visiting their state officials and encouraging them to expand our state Medicaid program and ...

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Study: The Deadly Toll Of Opting Out Of The New Medicaid Expansion

Study: The Deadly Toll Of Opting Out Of The New Medicaid Expansion

Originally  Published January 30, 2104Here are some serious numbers from Harvard researchers regarding the 25 states that have opted out of expanding Medicaid cover ...

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