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Virginia Organizing April 2011 Newsletter

Virginia Organizing April 2011 Newsletter

    April 2011                          ...

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Jeff’s Updates from Wisconsin

Jeff’s Updates from Wisconsin

Jeff Winder and his 14 year old son made the 16 hour trip to Madison, Wisconsin on Wednesday. After hearing the inspiring news of workers filling the capitol by the thousands, the ...

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Today’s Labor History: 1/12

Today’s Labor History: 1/12

Novelist Jack London was born today. His classic definition of a scab -- someone who would cross a picketline and take a striker's job: "After God had finished the rattle ...

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Top Ten Virginia Organizing Highlights of 2010

Top Ten Virginia Organizing Highlights of 2010

Top Ten Virginia Organizing 2010 Highlights   1.) Health Care Reform Victory: The Affordable Care Act. After two years of organizing rallies, town halls and lobby visits, we ...

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Virginia Organizing December Newsletter: Happy Holidays Edition!

Virginia Organizing December Newsletter: Happy Holidays Edition!

With the Judge Hudson health care decision, tax cuts extension, state budget announcements and lots of local work, December has been a busy month!  Read all about our work he ...

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Joe Szakos | Organizer

Joe Szakos | Organizer

Joe Szakos was the founding executive director of Virginia Organizing from 1994-2017 and then served as the Lynchburg organizer until the end of 2020. He is now retired. He was th ...

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Thomasine Wilson

Thomasine Wilson

Richmond Thomasine got involved with Virginia Organizing in 2006 during an organizing campaign on the issue of predatory lending. Having been caught in a car title loan cycle hers ...

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More Ways to Donate

More Ways to Donate

In addition to making a direct donation online, there are a number of ways to support the work of Virginia Organizing.  A few are listed below:Donation by mailDonate a vehicl ...

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Join Us

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Speak out with Letters to the Editor

Speak out with Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor (LTEs) are one of the most widely read sections of the newspaper. They are a quick, effective and continuing means of communicating your message to a wide au ...

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