You can donate to Virginia Organizing by seeing Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds in concert!
These generous artists will donate the proceeds of the concert to non-profit groups selected by ticket purchasers.
You can designate Virginia Organizing and 100% of your ticket price will be donated to Virginia Organizing!
The concert is Saturday, August 20 at the Charlottesville Pavilion.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the show begins at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets will go on sale on August 5 at 10:00 a.m. through the
nTelos Wireless Pavilion Website (www.thenteloswirelesspavilion.com/dave-and-tim).
Please use your ticket purchase code to choose
Virginia Organizing through JustGive (www.justgive.org).
How this works:
* For each ticket you purchase, you will receive a unique code that you may use
to direct a donation to any charity of your choosing on JustGive.
* Have fun giving with your fellow concertgoers! Consider making a collective impact
by encouraging your neighbors and friends to all choose Virginia Organizing.
* Your directed donation is funded by the performing artists and a generous supporter.
* Bottom line . . . see a great show while helping make a better Virginia!
More information: http://web.davematthewsband.com/justgive2011/faq.html