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Three Habits for Reducing Consumption

By Ed Marroni

photo credit: news.health.com

photo credit: news.health.com

Most people struggle to consume less energy, buy less “stuff” and keep the house green. According to a publication, The Green Life, there are three habits can help us in this endeavor.

#1–OWN LESS. There is a great deal of “stuff” in our homes that we really do not need or rarely use. We would benefit by taking an inventory of what we have and consider what is really needed. We probably can reduce our wardrobe to those items we know we will wear. Then, donate the rest to the Salvation Army, a clothing drive or a thrift store.

#2.–BUY IN BULK. Bulk shopping often is the least wasteful option. For instance, avoid extra packaging by refilling our staples such as liquid soap, shampoos, grains, nuts, etc. Bulk items can be found in the bulk aisles, farmers markets and natural food stores.

#3.–CREATE LENDING LIBRARIES. Creating lending libraries helps the members of our community as well as saves money and storage space. Great items that we can share are: tools, books, gardening supplies, etc.

By changing the way we think about our possessions and the way we utilize our “stuff” we will be contributing to the well-being of our Earth.

Three Habits for Reducing Consumption Reviewed by on . [caption id="attachment_10505" align="alignleft" width="150"] photo credit: news.health.com[/caption] Most people struggle to consume less energy, buy less "stu [caption id="attachment_10505" align="alignleft" width="150"] photo credit: news.health.com[/caption] Most people struggle to consume less energy, buy less "stu Rating: 0
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