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Virginia Main Street Alliance Update

July 24, 2012 3:20 pm by: Category: Small Business A+ / A-


#38, July 23, 2012

On Friday, July 13, 12 VMSAers from all across Virginia, joined a hundred other Virginians for a day long issues briefing in the White House.  The visit, organized by Virginia Organizing, included briefings by White House staffers on health care, the budget, taxes and social security.  The briefing on health care was done by Liz Fowler, Special Assistant to the President for Healthcare, who spoke for 15 minutes and then took questions for almost 45 more.  Her presentation is available on You Tube at http://youtu.be/HkBTBONFa6w .  Most VMSAers also attended a small group session held by White House staff held to gather input on health care reform issues. 

In the next few weeks many Virginians will be getting refunds from their insurance companies.  The rebates, which will total $43 million in Virginia and $1.1 billion nationwide, are because of a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires health insurance companies to spend at least 80% of the dollars they collect in premiums on health care or rebate money to their customers.  See http://hamptonroads.com/2012/06/virginians-receive-rebates-health-insurers for more info. 

The Virginia Main Street Alliance has a 20 minute presentation on small businesses and health care reform.  If you know of a group that it interested in this presentation email Bob Becker at bob@bobbecker.org or call 804-937-0752.

As part of the transition to covering people with pre-existing conditions, the federal government has set up a Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan in Virginia.  Anyone who has been uninsured for at least six months and has a pre-existing condition may be eligible.   Monthly premiums run from $93 – $401. 

Go to http://www.healthcare.gov/law/provisions/preexisting/index.html for more information. 

A recent study found that small businesses pay 18% more than large businesses for health insurance coverage.  The large pooling and buying power that the Health Benefit Exchange will provide can help change this equation.  See  http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/25/3/832.full for the study. 

Here is a link to an editorial by former Republican US Senator Doctor Bill Frist in support of Health Benefits Exchanges.  http://theweek.com/bullpen/column/230655/why-both-parties-should-embrace-obamacares-state-exchanges




Virginia Main Street Alliance Update Reviewed by on .  #38, July 23, 2012On Friday, July 13, 12 VMSAers from all across Virginia, joined a hundred other Virginians for a day long issues briefing in the White H  #38, July 23, 2012On Friday, July 13, 12 VMSAers from all across Virginia, joined a hundred other Virginians for a day long issues briefing in the White H Rating:
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