Jewish Community Hosts Loudoun Candidates’ Forum Spotlight on THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
Leisure World Lansdowne, 19375 Magnolia Grove Square, Lansdowne
2:00 – 4:00pm
Nearly half of the incumbents on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors are retiring and new districts have been created in one of the fast growing counties of the past decade. Meet the candidates for the Ashburn and Leesburg Districts as well as Chairman candidates Scott York (R-incumbent) and Tom Bellanca (D). Over a dozen additional candidates for state and local offices have been invited to introduce themselves to the audience at the conclusion of the program.
Leisure World is a gated community, RSVPs REQUIRED at www.jcouncil.org/Loudon
JCRC: your source for the Virginia Elections!
Attend our candidate forums in Falls Church (Oct 23) and Lansdowne (Oct 26)…
look for our candidate questionnaires posting Oct 19!
About the Jewish Community Relations Council
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington (JCRC) is the public affairs and community relations arm of The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington representing over 100 Jewish organizations and synagogues throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia. The JCRC focuses on government relations, Israel advocacy, inter-group relations, and social justice.