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Activists Await High Court’s Health Care Decision

Activists Await High Court’s Health Care Decision

Mary DunleavyJune 23, 2012http://www.nbc29.com/story/18864904/activists-await-high-courts-health-care-decision (visit link to watch member Dell Eriwn and Executive DIrector Joe Szakos discuss the impo ...

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Relevant Stories From Virginians Affected By Affordable Care Act And Impact of Supreme Court Decision

Relevant Stories From Virginians Affected By Affordable Care Act And Impact of Supreme Court Decision

MEDIA ADVISORYFor Immediate Release June 22, 2012Contact: Amanda Pohl (804) 337-1912amanda@virginia-organizing.org Charlottesville, Va.--Considering the looming Supreme Court decision on the ...

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UVA Board To Meet June 26 Amidst Push To Reinstate Sullivan

UVA Board To Meet June 26 Amidst Push To Reinstate Sullivan

By Sandy HausmanJune 22, 2012http://wamu.org/news/12/06/21/uva_board_to_meet_june_26_amidst_push_to_reinstate_sullivan The University of Virginia Board of Visitors has scheduled a meeting for Jun ...

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“I donated $15 to Virginia Organizing, and guess what? It didn’t cost me a cent!”

“I donated $15 to Virginia Organizing, and guess what? It didn’t cost me a cent!”

Solve the mystery...How do I donate to Virginia Organizing just by going to the grocery store?Find out! Just CLICK HERE to watch our video, then share with your friends!To learn more or to g ...

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Virginia Organizing Responds to Report Showing Economy Recovering Slowly, Increasing Inequality

Virginia Organizing Responds to Report Showing Economy Recovering Slowly, Increasing Inequality

URBAN INSTITUTE ANALYZES GROWTH SINCE 2007 AND PROJECTED GROWTH UNTIL 2017 RICHMOND, VA-The Urban Institute released a national report today detailing economic recovery and projected job growth over t ...

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National Bill Targets Racial Profiling

National Bill Targets Racial Profiling

Today, join advocates and individuals around the country for a coordinated day of online action to take a stand against racial profiling!Please enter the letter below at Virginia Senator Jim Webb' ...

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Obama announces shift in deportation policy

Obama announces shift in deportation policy

Tom Cohen, CNNJune 15, 2012http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/15/politics/immigration/index.html Washington (CNN) -- In an election-year policy change, the Obama administration said Friday it will s ...

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Housing Costs in Virginia Still Out of Reach

Housing Costs in Virginia Still Out of Reach

Posted by HOME: http://homeva.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/housing-cost-in-virginia-still-out-of-reach/ June 14, 2012 According to the 2012 report “Out of Reach,” Virg ...

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Elimination of the Death Penalty Overview

Elimination of the Death Penalty Overview

We believe in the elimination of the death penalty in all cases because it is fundamentally inhumane, ineffective as a deterrent to crime, and disproportionately and unjustly applied against people of ...

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New Book Released on Organizing in Appalachia, Virginia Organizing Featured

New Book Released on Organizing in Appalachia, Virginia Organizing Featured

 Have you ever wanted to learn more about fighting for equality and justice in Appalachia and other geographical communities? Transforming Places, a newly released book edited by Stephen L. Fishe ...

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