About VAORG Admin

Joe Szakos | Organizer

Joe Szakos | Organizer

Joe Szakos was the founding executive director of Virginia Organizing from 1994-2017 and then served as the Lynchburg organizer until the end of 2020. He is now retired. He was the founding coordinato ...

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Laura Ramirez | Director of Finance and Administration

Laura Ramirez | Director of Finance and Administration

Laura Ramirez began working at Virginia Organizing in 1998 and is responsible for the financial management of the organization; administration of benefits and insurance policies; developing, implement ...

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Brian Johns | Executive Director

Brian Johns | Executive Director

Brian Johns currently serves as the executive director of Virginia Organizing. He first came to Virginia Organizing as an intern in 2000 and then worked as a community organizer from 2001-2005. He spe ...

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Thomasine Wilson

Thomasine Wilson

Richmond Thomasine got involved with Virginia Organizing in 2006 during an organizing campaign on the issue of predatory lending. Having been caught in a car title loan cycle herself, Thomasine got in ...

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D. Ladelle McWhorter

D. Ladelle McWhorter

Del McWhorter has volunteered with Virginia Organizing for over twenty years, including serving as chairperson for seven. She has worked on campaigns ranging from securing fair unemployment compensati ...

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Sandra A. Cook

Sandra A. Cook

At-Large Executive Committee member Sandra Cook was raised in Hopewell, Virgina. Sandra is a retired social worker living in Petersburg.  As a social worker, Sandra supervised the Independent Living C ...

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We want a fair tax system for all Virginians

We want a fair tax system for all Virginians

Virginia's richest 1 percent pay 5.2% of their income in state and local taxes. Virginia's poorest 20 percent pay 8.8 % of their income in state and local taxes. Most of Virginia's middle ...

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Virginia Organizing Meeting Focuses on Local Unemployment and Why Congress Must Act

Virginia Organizing Meeting Focuses on Local Unemployment and Why Congress Must Act

Community Members Call on Congress to Extend Unemployment Benefits, Extend Tax Cuts for the Middle Class and End Tax Cuts for the Wealthy  Danville, VA – Close to twenty members of the loca ...

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Registro Para Votar

Registro Para Votar

april_2005.pdf ...

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