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US & VA Poverty Higher Than at Recession’s End

US & VA Poverty Higher Than at Recession’s End

RICHMOND, Va. - More Virginians and Americans are in poverty now than at the end of the great recession, according to census figures. Debbie Weinstein, executive director with the Coalition on Human N ...

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More West Virginians Than Virginians Now Have Health Coverage

More West Virginians Than Virginians Now Have Health Coverage

RICHMOND, Va. - West Virginia has passed Virginia for the percentage of citizens with health coverage, mostly thanks to Medicaid expansion. For a long time, a higher proportion of the folks in wealthi ...

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Marroni: Who is affected by climate change?

Marroni: Who is affected by climate change?

In light of the recent People’s Climate March in New York City and around the world on Sunday, September 21st, we have been given space to consider the effects of climate change on our lives. But have ...

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Who’s the bigger procrastinator?

Who’s the bigger procrastinator?

Today, the Virginia General Assembly begins a special legislative session on Medicaid expansion. They have consistently put off dealing with Medicaid expansion and we think they deserve a prize for be ...

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Hospitals and Clinics Feel the Pain of Medicaid Expansion Politics

Hospitals and Clinics Feel the Pain of Medicaid Expansion Politics

Is your state refusing to expand Medicaid? If so, it could be putting your health at risk, whether you'd qualify for Medicaid or not. That's because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - the health reform b ...

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Community Social Workers Help Virginia Organizing During ‘Day of Caring’

Community Social Workers Help Virginia Organizing During ‘Day of Caring’

For Immediate Release: September 17, 2014Charlottesville, Va.—A group of Charlottesville social workers were compelled to support Virginia Organizing on the Day of Caring this year by supplying and sp ...

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Today is AMAZING!

Today is AMAZING!

As I’m sure you already know, The Community Foundation’s annual Amazing Raise began this morning! Virginia Organizing is working hard to make sure we win some of the AMAZING cash prizes offered.Will y ...

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Marroni: Science Facts from Science Fiction

Marroni: Science Facts from Science Fiction

by Ed Marroni The fall season is another chance to enjoy the awesome beauty and benefits of our wonderful Earth! Thanks goes to you who strive to preserve this wonder. Much misinformation is circulate ...

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Care for Our Earth

Care for Our Earth

by Ed Marroni The fall season is another chance to enjoy the awesome beauty and benefits of our wonderful Earth! Thanks goes to you who strive to preserve this wonder. Much misinformation is circulate ...

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The Medicaid Debate: “Tell Them These are Real People”

The Medicaid Debate: “Tell Them These are Real People”

Posted by the Public News Service on September 17, 2014by Dan HeymanRICHMOND, Va. - As Virginia lawmakers gather to consider Medicaid expansion, some of those who would benefit are reminding them ...

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