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Breaking up with Bank of America: Michele’s story

December 23, 2011 7:29 pm by: Category: Charlottesville-Albemarle, Economic Justice A+ / A-

Over the last several months Virginia Organizing has joined the campaign Move Our Money USA in moving $57 million away from the big banks into credit unions and small banks.

We have moved our money because big banks like Bank of America support predatory lending, engage in foreclosure fraud and fail to lend money to small businesses that create jobs.

Here is one of thousands of stories of people taking control of their money. Michele from Charlottesville said enough is enough, took out a pair of scissors and cut Bank of America out of her life!

Breaking up with Bank of America: Michele’s story Reviewed by on . Over the last several months Virginia Organizing has joined the campaign Move Our Money USA in moving $57 million away from the big banks into credit unions and Over the last several months Virginia Organizing has joined the campaign Move Our Money USA in moving $57 million away from the big banks into credit unions and Rating:
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