Category: Community Voices

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Become a voter: REGISTER TODAY!

Become a voter: REGISTER TODAY!

At the Grassroots Gathering, we heard from returning citizens about restoration of rights, learned how to register new voters, and even saw someone register to vote for the first ...

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Success with Augusta Health!

Success with Augusta Health!

Three years ago this month Rita Wertman faced a terrifying crisis. Rita had been brought to the emergency room of Augusta Health Hospital for chest pain, but because she is deaf, ...

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You Can Help Virginia Organizing Put an End to Racism

You Can Help Virginia Organizing Put an End to Racism

On August 19, 1995, Virginia Organizing was born in Charlottesville, Virginia. One of the goals we committed to at that very first meeting was dismantling systemic racism in Virgi ...

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2017 Mid-Year Report Now Online!

2017 Mid-Year Report Now Online!

Click here for a downloadable PDF version of our mid-year report to see more photos and accomplishments!   Virginia Organizing could not do our work without your support, and ...

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Climate change is now affecting birdlife

Climate change is now affecting birdlife

Published by The Daily Progress. As a young birder, I am increasingly disturbed by the effects of climate change, especially on birds. Birders around the country witness the damag ...

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Grassroots Gathering Registration Open!

Grassroots Gathering Registration Open!

Click here to register for the Grassroots Gathering. Health care. Immigrant rights. Disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. These are only a few of the issues Virginia Organizin ...

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Communication Advice for Alzheimer’s Caregivers in Virginia

Communication Advice for Alzheimer’s Caregivers in Virginia

Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, and even in the early stages, communication between sufferers and carers can change dramatically. So said Carolyn Canini, a Progra ...

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Top 5 Reasons Why the AHCA Would Harm Rural Hospitals and Communities

Top 5 Reasons Why the AHCA Would Harm Rural Hospitals and Communities

Published by The Commonwealth Institute. 1. Rural hospitals would face a rising tide of uninsured patients who are unable to pay for care. The American Health Care Act (AHCA) – th ...

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