Category: Community Voices

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Care for our Earth

Care for our Earth

There are many ways to be an environmentalist. We may be quite diligent in engaging in practices which contribute to our Earth's well-being, while at the same time unknowingly pro ...

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Let’s Ban the Box for Federal Jobs!

Let’s Ban the Box for Federal Jobs!

Virginia Organizing has organized with other groups across Virginia to “ban the box” in many localities and on state job applications — and we were successful! Now, we have an opp ...

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Care for our Earth

Care for our Earth

Probably the simplest way to combat global warming, reduce water consumption and save the rainforests (which amount to being a responsible steward of our Earth) is adopting (to so ...

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Care for Our Earth

Care for Our Earth

Recycling, along with reusing, reducing, and repairing, were among the practices we were initially encouraged to adopt to preserve our environment. Though some would think recycli ...

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It was a BIG week!

It was a BIG week!

Last week, Virginia and the United States saw some pretty big victories for justice! It was also painfully clear that we still have more work to do as the members of the Emanuel A ...

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Big News for Marriage Equality

Big News for Marriage Equality

Did you hear even more good news today? The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states have to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples using the same criteria they use for heterosex ...

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Great News from the Supreme Court!

Great News from the Supreme Court!

The U.S. Supreme Court just ruled that Virginians can keep their health insurance subsidies and Virginia Organizing is very grateful for that wonderful news! Today we celebrate th ...

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Virginia Organizing Applauds Governor McAuliffe’s Decision to Remove Barrier of Court Costs and Fees as Condition of Restoration of Civil Rights

Virginia Organizing Applauds Governor McAuliffe’s Decision to Remove Barrier of Court Costs and Fees as Condition of Restoration of Civil Rights

Virginia Organizing leaders were present as Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that formerly incarcerated individuals will no longer need to satisfy all court costs ...

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Defend Voting Rights

Defend Voting Rights

On Thursday, June 25, hundreds of voting rights activists will gather in Roanoke to defend the right to vote and support a fair democracy for all Americans! Will you join with Vir ...

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Responsibly Produced Palm Oil Saves Rainforests

Responsibly Produced Palm Oil Saves Rainforests

Good news is always a welcome treat! This is especially true in the world of environmentalism. This good news concerns our rainforests and palm oil. Rainforests play a vital role ...

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